Thomas Leisner |
Welcome Adress and Introduction to the meeting |
Ottmar Möhler |
Introduction to VI-ACI |
Martina Krämer |
Contribution to VI-ACI of ICG-1 cloud group |
Volker Ebert |
Improved, Absolute TDL Hygrometers for AIDA: Simultaneous Gas Phase and Total Water Measurements |
Johannes Schneider |
Contributions of Uni-MZ to the
Helmholtz Virtual Institute VI-ACI |
Ulrich Bundke |
Contributions of SFB Laboratory (University Mainz and Frankfurt) to the
Helmholtz Virtual Institute VI-ACI |
Joseph Ulanowski |
Contributions of Univerity of Hertfordshire to the
Helmholtz Virtual Institute VI-ACI |
Frank Stratmann |
VI-ACI: Leipzig Aerosol and Cloud Interaction Simulator, Current and Future Work |
Olaf Stetzer |
VI-ACI: Work Package L3
- Laboratory Experiments at ETH Zurich -
CCN – IN – Hygroscopicity – Aerosol-MS |
Thomas Mentel |
WP L4: Chemical Characterization of CCN and IN |
Bernd Kärcher/ Ulrike Burkhardt |
The Contributions of DLR-IPA to the VI-ACI: Processes, Cloud and Climate Modeling
and Links With Partners |
Ulrike Lohmann |
ETH Contributions to VI-ACI (M2/M3) |
Zev Levin |
Contribution of Tel Aviv University |
Max Bangert |
First steps towards aerosol cloud interactions within
Ulrich Blahak |
Explicit modeling of convective clouds in the
WG Beheng (Karlsruhe) |
Paul Connolly |
Heterogeneous freezing on desert dust |
Volker Ebert |
Absolute Tunable-Diode-Laser-Hygrometers for AIDA |
Johannes Hendricks |
Aerosol-cirrus interactions in the ECHAM-GCM: The competition between homogeneous and heterogeneous ice nucleation |
Holger Klein |
Measurement of Ice Nuclei with the FRIDGE Chamber (SFB-641-A2) |
Zev Levin |
WP M2 Cloud modelling |
Ulrike Lohmann |
Competition of different nucleation
mechanisms at the formation of cirrus clouds |
F. Lüönd / O. Stetzer |
Work Package L3
- Laboratory Experiments at ETH Zurich -
CCN – IN – Hygroscopicity – Aerosol-MS |
Thomas Mentel |
Annual Report 2008 |
Ottmar Möhler |
AIDA Laboratory Experiments |
Björn Nillius |
Fast Ice Nucleus CHamber FINCH |
Johannes Schneider |
VI-ACI Kampagne "FROST" - First results from aerosol mass spectrometry |
Frank Stratmann |
Particle Hygroscopic Growth, Activation and Freezing: Actual IfT Contributions to VI-ACI |
Zbigniew Józef Ulanowski |
University of Hertfordshire - Contributions to WP L1 (AIDA) and L2 (LACIS) |
Peter Amsler |
Results from ice nucleation experiments at AIDA obtained by HOLIMO |
Stefan Benz |
IN11 - First Results from AIDA IN-Experiments |
Ian Crawford |
Investigations into the ice nucleating ability of propane flame soot |
Jonny Crosier |
Aerosol properties measured during AIDA IN11 |
Marie Monier |
Results from VTDMA |
Monika Niemand |
Pumped Counterflow Virtual Impactor (PCVI) - Experiment Setup |
Martin Schnaiter |
SIMONE in situ light scattering and depolarization measurements |
Harald Saathoff |
Absolute TDL Hygrometers for AIDA: Simultaneous Gas Phase and Total Water Measurements |
Christian Spindler |
AMS Results from Vi-ACI Campaign AIDA NI-11 Karlsruhe, Nov. 2007 |
Markus Ziese |
Activation and hygroscopic growth of coated and uncoated soot particles: Results from DMT-CCNC & LACIS-mobile |
Max Bangert |
COSMO-ART - Aerosol Cloud Interactions on the Regional Scale |
Stefan Benz |
AIDA Results from IN-11 / Homogeneous freezing |
Silvia Henning |
LACIS-mobile and DMT-CCNC:Results from IN-11 and ACI-02 |
Bernd Kärcher |
Processes, Cloud and Climate Modeling |
Holger Klein |
Measurement of Ice Nuclei
Number-Concentrations: FRIDGE - FINCH |
Zev Levin |
Using WRF with the TAU bin microphysics to test new parameterization of ice nucleation; Preliminary results |
Ulrike Lohmann |
VI-ACI WP M3 Climate Modeling |
Ottmar Möhler |
Introduction and welcome |
Monika Niemand |
Recent results of ACI02 campaign and a first comparison with MAID model calculations |
Caroline Oehm |
Characterisation of a Pumped Counterflow Virtual Impactor (PCVI) |
Paul Reitz |
Particle Characterization during the VI-ACI FROST campaigns using an aerosol mass spectrometer |
Julian Skrotzki |
Absolute TDL Hygrometers for AIDA: Present and Future |
Ingo Sölch |
WP M2A, M2B, M2E: LES cirrus cloud and contrail cirrus simulations |
Peter Spichtinger |
High ice crystal number concentrations in mid latitude cirrus clouds driven by dynamics |
Olaf Stetzer |
VI-ACI: Work Package L3 - Laboratory Experiments at ETH Zurich -CCN – IN – Hygroscopicity – Aerosol-MS |
Frank Stratmann |
Measurement campaign FROST - Results of LACIS ice experiments |
Dennis Niedermeier |
Influence of particle surface modification on the immersion freezing behavior of supercooled droplets |
Alexei Kiselev |
Optical measurements of ice crystals with SID3-LISA |
Katrin Mildenberger |
Activation and hygroscopic growth behavior of soot and dust coated with SOA or H2SO4: Results from IN 11 and ACI 02 campaigns, DMT-CCNC & LACIS-mobile measurements |
Monika Niemand |
Heterogeneous ice nucleation on mineral dust aerosols |
Julian Skrotzki |
TDL water measurements at AIDA – recent developments and applications |
Paul Reitz |
Mainz AMS results |
Heinz Bingemer |
Seasonal variability of ice nuclei over Central Europe |
Zev Levin, Karin Ardon |
Tel Aviv University contribution |
Joseph Ulanowski |
Ice particle characterization with Small Ice Detector 3 probe |
Olaf Stetzer |
VI-ACI: Work Package L3 - Laboratory Experiments at ETH Zurich -CCN – IN – Hygroscopicity – Aerosol-MS |
Jessica Meyer |
NIXE performance at the AIDA cloud chamber: immersion & deposition freezing experiments |
Thomas Mentel |
Novel method of generation of Ca(HCO3)2 and CaCO3 aerosols |
Corinna Hoose |
Cloud glaciation by mineral dust, soot and biological particles |
Ulrike Burkhardt |
Supersaturation in ECHAM |
Johannes Hendricks |
M3E: Impact of natural and anthropogenic ice nuclei on global cirrus properties |
Ulrike Lohmann |
ETH Contributions to VI-ACI (M2/M3) |
Ingo Sölch and Simon Unterstrasser |
WP M2A, M2B, M2E: LES cirrus cloud and contrail cirrus simulations |