Research Data Publications

Linear Depolarisation Ratio of Cloud Chamber Grown Cirrus
Hamel, A.; Schnaiter, M.; Wagner, R.; Järvinen, E.
2025, February 26. doi:10.35097/66tc7z2u0s2gf1fe
Dataset for the publication: Brown carbon aerosol in rural Germany: sources, chemistry, and diurnal variations
Jiang, F.; Saathoff, H.; Ezenobi, U.; Song, J.; Zhang, H.; Gao, L.; Leisner, T.
2024, November 21. doi:10.35097/d0prpzkxqkq2t09y
Data to the Measurement report: Brown carbon aerosol in rural Germany: sources, chemistry, and diurnal variations
Jiang, F.; Saathoff, H.; Ezenobi, U.; Song, J.; Zhang, H.; Gao, L.; Leisner, T.
2024, November 15. doi:10.35097/ss0755ektandb5h5
PPD-2K Particle size distribution and particle phase from DOME-C, Antarctica
Hamel, A.; Järvinen, E.; del Guasta, M.; Schnaiter, M.
2024, October 16. doi:10.35097/x5vjrbf9nd38rpvk
Aerosol composition, air quality, and boundary layer dynamics in the urban background of Stuttgart in winter
Zhang, H.; Huang, W.; Shen, X.; Ramisetty, R.; Song, J.; Kiseleva, O.; Holst, C. C.; Khan, B.; Leisner, T.; Saathoff, H.
2024, August 9. doi:10.35097/vbjzahy9ej4c1b69
Comparison of scanning aerosol LIDAR and in situ measurements of aerosol physical properties and boundary layer heights
Zhang, H.; Rolf, C.; Tillmann, R.; Wesolek, C.; Wienhold, F. G.; Leisner, T.; Saathoff, H.
2024, May 31. doi:10.35097/HasgJXjeuxbkufbe
PPD-2K Ice Fog Particle Size and Shape Distributions from ALPACA
Schnaiter, M.; Järvinen, E.; Schmitt, C. G.
2024, February 27. doi:10.35097/1935
Molecular Analysis of Secondary Organic Aerosol and Brown Carbon from the Oxidation of Indole
Jiang, F.; Siemens, K.; Linke, C.; Li, Y.; Gong, Y.; Leisner, T.; Laskin, A.; Saathoff, H.
2024, January 30. doi:10.35097/1904
The Puy de Dôme ICe Nucleation Intercomparison Campaign (PICNIC): Comparison between online and offline methods in ambient air
Lacher, L.; Adams, M. P.; Barry, K.; Bertozzi, B.; Bingemer, H.; Boffo, C.; Bras, Y.; Büttner, N.; Castarede, D.; Cziczo, D. J.; DeMott, P. J.; Fösig, R.; Goodell, M.; Höhler, K.; Hill, T. C. J.; Jentzsch, C.; Ladino, L. A.; Levin, E. J. T.; Mertes, S.; Möhler, O.; Moore, K. A.; Murray, B. J.; Nadolny, J.; Pfeuffer, T.; Picard, D.; Ramírez-Romero, C.; Ribeiro, M.; Richter, S.; Schrod, J.; Sellegri, K.; Stratmann, F.; Swanson, B. E.; Thomson, E. S.; Wex, H.; Wolf, M. J.; Freney, and E.
2024, January 12. doi:10.35097/1876
Dataset for the paper entitled "The Fifth International Workshop on Ice Nucleation Phase 1 (FIN-01): Intercomparison of Single Particle Mass Spectrometers."
Shen, X.; Bell, D. M.; Coe, H.; Hiranuma, N.; Mahrt, F.; Marsden, N. A.; Mohr, C.; Murphy, D. M.; Saathoff, H.; Schneider, J.; Wilson, J.; Zawadowicz, M. A.; Zelenyuk, A.; DeMott, P. J.; Möhler, O.; Cziczo, D. J.
2024. doi:10.35097/zglkxmlhgxxehhkk
Volatility of secondary organic aerosol from β-caryophyllene ozonolysis between 213-313 K
Saathoff, H.; Leisner, T.; Möhler, O.; Jiang, F.; Vallon, M.; Song, J.; Li, Z.; Buchholz, A.; Gao, L.
2023, March 28. doi:10.5445/IR/1000157217
Datasets to: High Homogeneous Freezing Onsets of Sulfuric Acid Aerosol at Cirrus Temperatures
Schneider, J.; Höhler, K.; Wagner, R.; Saathoff, H.; Schnaiter, M.; Schorr, T.; Steinke, I.; Benz, S.; Baumgartner, M.; Rolf, C.; Krämer, M.; Leisner, T.; Möhler, O.
2023. doi:10.35097/1562
Light spectra measured inside the AIDA aerosol and cloud simulation chamber
Vallon, M.; Gao, L.; Jiang, F.; Krumm, B.; Nadolny, J.; Song, J.; Leisner, T.; Saathoff, H.
2023. doi:10.35097/1300
Volatility of secondary organic aerosol from β-caryophyllene ozonolysis between 213-313 K
Saathoff, H.; Leisner, T.; Möhler, O.; Jiang, F.; Vallon, M.; Song, J.; Li, Z.; Buchholz, A.; Gao, L.
2023. doi:10.35097/1466
Light spectra measured inside the AIDA aerosol and cloud simulation chamber
Vallon, M.; Gao, L.; Jiang, F.; Krumm, B.; Nadolny, J.; Song, J.; Leisner, T.; Saathoff, H.
2022, February 28. doi:10.5445/IR/1000143326
Datasets to: High Homogeneous Freezing Onsets of Sulfuric Acid Aerosol at Cirrus Temperatures
Schneider, J.; Höhler, K.; Wagner, R.; Saathoff, H.; Schnaiter, M.; Schorr, T.; Steinke, I.; Benz, S.; Baumgartner, M.; Rolf, C.; Krämer, M.; Leisner, T.; Möhler, O.
2021, April 12. doi:10.5445/IR/1000130863
Data sets to research article by Möhler et al. “The portable ice nucleation experiment PINE: a new online instrument for laboratory studies and automated long-term field observations of ice-nucleating particles”
Technologie Transferprojekt N059 PINE; Möhler, O.; Adams, M.; Lacher, L.; Vogel, F.; Nadolny, J.; Fösig, R.; Boffo, C.; Pfeuffer, T.; Hobl, A.; Weis, M.; Vepuri, H. S. K.; Hiranuma, N.; Murray, B. J.
2021, January 12. doi:10.5445/IR/1000122157
Umo et al. (2021), data to: The Influence of Chemical and Mineral Compositions on the Parameterization of Immersion Freezing by Volcanic Ash Particles, JGR
Umo, N. S.; Ullrich, R.; Maters, E. C.; Steinke, I.; Benker, N.; Höhler, K.; Wagner, R.; Weidler, P. G.; Hoshyaripour, G. A.; Kiselev, A.; Kueppers, U.; Kandler, K.; Dingwell, D. B.; Leisner, T.; Möhler, O.
2021. doi:10.35097/475
Dataset ice nucleating activity of Arctic sea surface microlayer samples and marine algal cultures
Ickes, L.; Porter, G. C. E.; Wagner, R.; Adams, M. P.; Bierbauer, S.; Christiansen, S.; Höhler, K.; Schiebel, T.; Ullrich, R.; Salter, M.
2020, September 24. doi:10.5445/IR/1000122595
Datasets to: The seasonal cycle of ice-nucleating particles linked to the abundance of biogenic aerosol in boreal forests
Schneider, J.; Höhler, K.; Heikkilä, P.; Keskinen, J.; Bertozzi, B.; Bogert, P.; Schorr, T.; Umo, N. S.; Vogel, F.; Brasseur, Z.; Wu, Y.; Hakala, S.; Duplissy, J.; Moisseev, D.; Kulmala, M.; Adams, M. P.; Murray, B. J.; Korhonen, K.; Hao, L.; Thomson, E. S.; Castarède, D.; Leisner, T.; Petäjä, T.; Möhler, O.
2020, July 7. doi:10.5445/IR/1000120666