The IMK-AAF is engaged in the study of fundamental processes that govern the formation, transformations, and sinks of atmospheric aerosols. These processes are of great relevance for climate, cloud, and precipitation formation, as well as for human health (IPCC AR5, Chapter 7). The IMK-AAF's research is embedded in the research program topic "The Atmosphere in Global Change" of the Helmholtz Association, in the research field "Earth and Environment." At the KIT, the IMK-AAF is administratively affiliated with Division IV, "Natural and Built Environment" and is integrated into the KIT "Climate and Environment" center.
The research team is dedicated to investigating the microphysical, chemical, and optical characteristics of aerosols. Through these investigations, significant insights are gained into the role of aerosols in the atmosphere and their influence on cloud formation, climate, and air quality. This contributes to the advancement of weather and climate models.
A particular research interest at the institute is the role of aerosols in the formation of ice particles. The institute's research is conducted in state-of-the-art laboratories equipped with comprehensive research instrumentation. Large atmospheric simulation chambers are utilized to investigate complex atmospheric processes under controlled conditions, and field experiments are conducted to analyze local situations and their specific influences in detail.
For a list of current research projects, click here.

Dr. Harald Saathoff
Dr. Ottmar Möhler
Dr. Alexei Kiselev

Dr. Ahmed Abdelmonem
Dr. Dennis Duft